Home exercises for fast weight loss, if done regularly, will help you gain a slim and beautiful figure.
Training Planning
The selection of exercises for fast weight loss at home should be approached taking into account individual characteristics (body weight, gender, age, localization of body fat, the presence of chronic diseases). Exercise for people over 50 will be very different from exercise for people in their early 40s.
Experts have developed a number of recommendations that people should adhere to while exercising on their own:
- there should not be long breaks between workouts;
- when working, it is necessary to perform movements softly, smoothly, without stopping;
- it is important to observe the correct technique for each exercise;
- warm-up is required before the main complex;
- should not be exercised during a period of illness or severe fatigue.
How often do you need to exercise for fast weight loss
To lose weight and quickly get your body in good condition, you should exercise systematically, 3-4 times a week. This mode is due to the fact that the body experiences a strong load during training, it needs time to recover. If you reduce the number of sessions, this will not give the desired effect. The increase will be stressful for the body.
The optimal training time is 45-60 minutes, while the pace of work should be increased gradually. People who have not been engaged in physical activity for a long time should start with workouts lasting 10-15 minutes, then add 5-10 minutes with each subsequent workout.
Warm-up is an important step, it should be given 5-7 minutes. Warming up exercises reduce the risk of possible injury, it is better to warm up from the upper body and finish with the lower one.
For arms and shoulders
In a standing position, feet at shoulder level, you need to put your hands on your shoulders and start making rotational movements forward, then backward 5-7 times.
The arms should be brought closer to the chest, keeping them parallel to the floor. Turns to the right, while spreading your arms to the sides. Return immediately to starting position and repeat the movement for the left side.
For the back
To warm up the back, turning to the right and left will help, the legs and pelvis should remain motionless. You need to make 15–20 turns in each direction. After that, you can go to the slopes. They should be shallow and should be done slowly, 10-15 repetitions for the right and left sides. You can tilt forward and backward. You don't need to bend back too much.
Perform 10 rotational movements in each direction. Circular pelvic motions are beneficial for both the core muscles and the lower limbs.
For legs
When stretching your legs, be sure to pay attention to your feet. The sock should be placed on the floor surface and twisted to the left, then to the right 10-12 times. After that, you need to stand on your toes and lower yourself onto your foot, but the heel should not touch the floor. Such a springy up and down movement must be done 20-25 times.
A set of exercises for fast weight loss at home
Exercises should be done regularly, only in this case they will give visible results.
For the buttocks
There are many useful exercises to strengthen your glutes, many of which work your back or leg muscles at the same time.
- You can start with a simple type of load: the legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the knee joints are bent at an angle of 90 ° and remain in this position as long as possible (45-60 seconds).
- The following exercise will help to train the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and calves: the feet are spread apart shoulder-width apart so that the socks look to the sides. Palms on the hips, begin to lower slowly, so that the hips are parallel to the floor. In this position, raise your heels and lower them down. You need to perform 10-12 repetitions in 2-3 sets.
- Another exercise that has a good effect: squat, palms in front of the feet, we begin to alternately raise the hips, directing the buttocks up. You do not need to fully straighten your leg, but you should feel tension in the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh. Each approach should consist of 10-15 times, 2-3 repetitions.
- Another exercise is performed as follows: feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your hips and perform a small squat, then stand up and stretch your left leg forward, and then direct it diagonally. The foot must be turned to the side. The arms are bent at the elbows: take the left one back, and the right one forward. Hold for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position, repeat all the same for the right leg. Perform this exercise 10-12 times for each side in 2 sets.
- The knee shaft will tighten the muscles in your glutes, legs, and abs. Legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, palms should be brought together at the back of the head. We perform a squat, after which we stand up, raise the right knee up and direct the left elbow towards it. Then we return to the original position, repeat for the other side. You need to perform 10-12 repetitions in 2 sets.
- "Rocket": feet shoulder-width apart, squat deeply, while stretching your arms back. Then you need to get up and take your right leg back, tilt your body forward so that it is parallel to the floor. Hands are extended in front of you. Stay in this position for 1-2 seconds, then return to the starting position. On each side, you need to do 10-12 repetitions in 2-3 sets.
Any set of exercises should include squats. They strengthen the back, legs, buttocks. Squat technique: the buttocks need to be pulled back, the hips are parallel to the floor surface. The feet are shoulder-width apart, the toes are slightly turned to the sides. Your body weight should be carried on your heels so that you can easily lift your socks off the floor. The hands are on the back of the head, the ribcage is raised, and the shoulders are directed back and slightly down.
It is important that the back is straight, without arching in the lower back. Tighten the abdominal muscles. Do squats in 2-3 sets, each of which should include 20-30 repetitions.
Squat down to perform jumps. From this position, you need to try to jump to the maximum height, and then return to the starting position. Run 20-25 times.
Jumping has many varieties, the most effective is the Burpee exercise. During its execution, fat burning starts, several muscle groups work at once. You can proceed to its implementation in 1–2 weeks after the start of training.
To perform, you need to take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, then bend them slightly at the knees, and rest their palms on the floor. With a jump, they change the position of the body to a lying position, then you need to perform a push-up, after which again, with the help of a jump, you need to be in a sitting position. The last stage - jump up, raising straight arms. Do the exercise for 45-60 seconds. Rest between sets no more than 1 minute. Only 4-5 approaches.
This exercise is done with your back on the floor. Legs should be straightened, palms should be placed along the hips. Then the legs are crossed and immediately spread as wide as possible to the sides. Repeat 10-15 times in 2-4 repetitions.
On your feet
Doing fitness at home must include stress on the legs. Exercise options for working out leg muscles:
- Get on your knees, arms straight in front of you. In this position, we sit down on the buttock, while slightly tilting the body for balance. Run 20-25 times for each side.
- Lunges can tighten your thighs, calves, and glutes. You need to stand up straight, keeping the lower limbs together, then take a large step forward with your left foot and bend the knee at a right angle. Return to the original position after 1 second. Do 20-25 times in 2 sets.
- Raises: in a standing position, lean on the back of a chair, first raise your left leg to the side, then your right. From the same position, alternately take your legs back. We change position: we kneel down, rest our elbows on the floor, and again take our legs back, while they should be straight. We return to the starting position and again repeat the first type of lifts. For each type of load, you need to perform 15-20 repetitions for each leg.
- Bends: performed from a standing position with legs apart shoulder-width apart. Lean down, keeping your back straight. The body should be parallel to the floor, the legs should be slightly bent at the knees. We straighten up and repeat the movements. You need to perform 10-12 repetitions in 3-4 sets.
Half-loop is a variation of the squat. To perform it, you need to put your legs a little wider than your shoulders, your toes should be turned to the sides as much as possible. We perform a slow, shallow squat, trying to keep our back straight. It is necessary to remain in this position for the maximum possible amount of time, and then slowly return to the first position. Perform 10-15 times in 2 sets. This type of exercise will strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back.
Swing your leg
You need to lie on your right side, bend your right leg, and start performing smooth lifts with the left. The swing amplitude should be as large as possible. It is necessary to maintain balance, not to lean forward or backward. For each side, repeat 15-25 swings.
- Strengthen the abdominal muscle corset: lie on your back, palms under your head, legs extended straight. Pull the knees towards the chest, tear the upper part of the body from the floor surface and lead it towards the legs. After that we return to the prone position. You need to do 2 sets of 20-25 repetitions.
- The oblique muscles of the press can be pumped in this way: lie on your back, slightly bend your knees, your hands lie along the body. The body needs to be slightly raised so that the shoulder blades come off the floor, and reach with your left hand to the left heel. Then return to starting position. Repeat the same movement for the right side. Perform 5-10 times for each side.
- The classic plank will strengthen your abs and back. Leaning on your hands and toes, you need to stand on the floor. The back and legs should merge into one line. They are in this position for 30-60 seconds. To perform a side plank, you need to stand sideways with an emphasis on a bent elbow, and raise the other hand up. Then the body is raised, straining the press and lateral muscles as much as possible. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds as well.
- To remove the belly at home, you can use the "Fold" exercise. From a prone position, you need to connect the upper body with your legs. Do this so that you can touch your feet with your fingers. Lower to the starting position and rise again, trying to connect the lower and upper body. We do it at a fast pace. Perform 5-10 times in 2 sets.
Oblique crunches
Performed from a supine position with the knees bent. Hands are under the head. With the elbow of the right hand, we stretch to the left knee. Then with the left elbow - to the right. For each side, you need to make 20-25 movements. Exercise strengthens your abdominal and back muscles.
Cool Down
Any workout, even a short workout, should end with stretching exercises. To complete it, you need to sit on the floor, try to spread your legs as wide as possible. Then, with the whole body, bend forward, right, left. It is necessary to bring the body as close to the floor and to the straightened legs as possible. Then lie down on the floor and perform cross movements, in which the legs and arms are directed in opposite directions.
Daily Diet & Weight Loss Supplements
Exercise will help you quickly correct your figure only if you have proper nutrition. Fatty, spicy, salty foods should be excluded from the diet. Cereals, herbs, cottage cheese, boiled eggs are useful. It is important to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.