On the eve of an important event, meeting with an old acquaintance, going on a date, you want to look impeccable. The outfit is selected, the hairstyle is determined, but these hated extra pounds haunt. Yes, they are few, but they spoil the whole concept of mood. It is not necessary to lose so much - only 5 kg, but the time allotted is no more than a week.How to lose weight by 5 kg in a weekif previous diets did not give a positive result?
Perhaps unsuccessful attempts are associated with the presence of hunger during exposure to a certain diet. It is possible that girls approach weight loss scrupulously, and in order not to waste time in vain, they adhere to a strict hunger strike. This is absolutely impossible to do, even if they are faced with the task of urgently losing weight. It is possible to lose 5 kg in a week, but only with the right and comprehensive approach. Diet alone will not achieve results. Here you should follow the rule of 3 components - nutrition, exercise, body wraps. Further in the article, methods will be presented that will help you lose weight without harm to the body.
A short path to weight loss
Before analyzing the question of how to quickly lose weight at home by 5 kg in a week, it is necessary to determine the basics of the thorny path:
- Analyze the causes of weight gain - this will save you from the need to periodically go on a diet. Violation of the endocrine system, hormonal failure, stress and anxiety, a sedentary lifestyle are the main causes of rapid weight gain. Surprisingly, in the presence of disorders in the body, even a balanced diet and exercise do not help to keep your weight at the same level.
- In order to urgently lose weight, but at the same time not part with emotional ease, you need to come up with motivation for yourself. Often, girls use the method of acquiring a dress a size smaller - such weight loss will be much more joyful.
- Choosing the right diet is the hardest part. Nutritionists, on the other hand, say that it is necessary to eat right all the time, then there will be no problems with weight.
- Minus 5 kg is not only a diet, but also regular training. In a week with a set of exercises and a diet, you can achieve the desired result.
- Wraps - help to remove excess fluid from the body, tighten the skin, get rid of cellulite. Wraps are allowed to be done only in the absence of diseases.
Among other things, you should reduce the content of fast carbohydrates (sweets, flour products) and fats (oils, sausages, fatty meats) in products. But most importantly, in order to lose weight by five kg, it is necessary to significantly reduce the calorie content of dishes - this is the basis of every diet. There is no need to reduce portions. You can replace fatty dishes with lean ones with the addition of a large amount of vegetables.
Nutrition program or simple diet
How to lose weight by 5 kg in a week easily and simply? Lovers of vegetables and fruits can rejoice, because there is a diet for them that allows them to quickly lose weight, cleanse the body, significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair, get enough of a large number of various vitamins (which is so lacking with an unbalanced diet). What should I eat to lose weight? During the week, the following diet should be followed daily.
Morning starts with homemade lemonade, which will start the digestive system and speed up the metabolism. The drink recipe is simple - breakfast will not turn into a daily routine. To prepare, you need the juice of 1-2 slices of fresh lemon and a glass of water. The ingredients are mixed in a convenient sequence. Ready lemonade is drunk for breakfast half an hour before the main meal.
A fruit salad with the addition of low-fat natural yogurt (no more than 1-2%) serves as a complete breakfast. Any 3 fruits that you like more crumble into the salad. Even high-calorie ones are allowed in the form of a banana, mango, grapes, but in small quantities. Dressed salad is consumed slowly, with thorough chewing. There are no restrictions on the weight of the dish - the main thing is to feel full. In order not to break the rule, it is advisable to get up earlier for a quiet meal for breakfast.
For lunch, a salad of fresh vegetables is prepared, where your favorite ingredients are added, except for potatoes. Dress the salad with a teaspoon of olive oil or fresh lemon juice. You should not salt the dish - even at lunch, salt will provoke swelling. You can use additives in the form of cinnamon or soy sauce (no more than a teaspoon). Salad is also consumed slowly until full feeling of satiety - take at least 40 minutes for lunch.
During the day, before dinner, you should drink plenty of liquids - tea or coffee without sugar and other additives, purified water without gas. Kefir is also allowed with a fat content of not more than 1-2%, but not more than 1 liter.
They have dinner no later than 18. 00-19. 00, if the sleep is late, you can have dinner at 20. 00 - the diet does not prohibit this. For dinner, a fruit salad is again prepared with natural yogurt or in "own" juice, sprinkled with a little lemon juice. 40 minutes after dinner, you can drink green tea without sugar.
The main thing in such a diet is the right way out. A weekly diet will give stunning results, which should be consolidated through a balanced diet in the future. No alcohol, sweet, rich, fatty - this is the key to the success of all weight loss. You can use the above diet only for people with no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Expert opinion
There is no such diet that would allow a guaranteed person of any body weight and any complexion to lose 5 kilograms in a week. An example of the right approach is this question/headline: "How to lose 5 kilograms in a week for a man aged 40 who hassedentary lifestyle, the number of extra pounds - 35 "? In this case, everything is already clear. It is clear that you can do without a diet at all, it is only important to increase the level of physical activity, eat fractionally and little by little, consume more clean fluids, reduce the daily amount of salt to 5 grams; The last meal should be moderate, no later than 2 hours before bedtime. As a result, weight loss will proceed at a rapid pace. In the first three days, you can lose 3 kg simply due to the release of excess fluid. If you add an excess amount of fiber, vegetables and fruits to the diet and hold out for one week, then 5 kilograms (and maybe more) can be lost without any suffering. The greater the body weight, the more excited patients are in the first days of their results. So, for a patient with a mass of 150 kilograms, who can increase his motor activity, this question does not arise at all: he can lose 5 kilograms in 4–5 days, or even in a shorter period. Therefore, you should not rely on the peculiarities of preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, the most important thing is to follow the rules. But if you need to lose only 5 kg to your ideal weight, then it is much more difficult, and such a diet is certainly important.
Hearty diets
Surprisingly, there are satisfying diets that can help you lose 5 kilograms in a week. They can be used by a teenager whose body is still growing and hunger can cause disruptions in the working activity of the body. You should choose the food where the menu provides for your favorite or acceptable to taste foods. Otherwise, the diet will not bring a positive result due to psychological discomfort.
Estonian diet
Why such a diet is called "Estonian" is not clear. But thanks to the presented menu, you can lose at least 5 kg. Reviews of those losing weight also speak of great results, but we are talking about high weight - at least 20-30 extra pounds from the norm.
So, you can effectively and quickly lose weight thanks to the following menu:
- On Mondayno more than 6 hard-boiled eggs are consumed, divided into breakfast, lunch and dinner. Salt is prohibited.
- Tuesday- 1 kg of fat-free cottage cheese, preferably natural granular. The product can be sprinkled with a small amount of natural fat-free yoghurt. Sweeteners and other ingredients are prohibited.
- Wednesday- 300 g of boiled chicken breast. The breast can also be steamed or foil-cooked in the oven with lemon added. Before cooking, skin and other fatty elements are removed from meat - this will accelerate weight loss.
- Thursday- in 1 liter of idle unsalted water, boil 100 g of dry rice of your favorite variety. Divide the received amount into breakfast, lunch and dinner. Salt, pepper and the use of flavoring additives is prohibited.
- Friday- you need to eat 6 potatoes in their uniforms. Salt and other seasonings are not used either in cooking or during the meal.
- Saturday- 1 kg of apples. Fruits can be eaten in their original form, mashed, baked in the oven. Do not use sweeteners or other food additives.
- Sunday- you need to drink 1. 5 liters of kefir with a low fat content (no more than 2%).
The presented diet is easy to maintain at home, since the products are quite affordable, and the feeling of hunger does not overcome. True, certain conditions must be met for this:
- eat every 3 hours, in the morning and at lunch, portions are larger;
- drink a glass of clean water 20 minutes before a meal;
- drink after a meal should be no earlier than 40 minutes;
- during the day, the norm of liquid is observed - at least 1. 5 liters of plain water.
On the Estonian diet, you should give up tea and coffee - these are drinks that can retain water in the body. If your life without coffee is not sweet, you can treat yourself to a cup of an invigorating drink in the morning - the diet will "forgive" this.
egg diet
There is also an interesting diet that allows you to lose up to 10 kg per week, but it all depends on the initial data and the amount of excess weight. We are talking about the egg diet, which turns out to be nutritious and effective for those who like to lose weight. In addition to eggs, meals include grapefruit - a reliable fat burner. If you do not want to use grapefruit, you can replace it with orange or lemon, but without sugar and other additives. Other products should not be replaced.
This diet should not be used by people with liver, kidney and gastrointestinal diseases. The norm of consumed yolks per week is no more than 2, so the diet is prohibited for people with high blood cholesterol levels or with prerequisites for this.
Day | Breakfast | Dinner | Dinner |
Monday | 2 eggs, tomato without salt, herbal tea | 2 eggs, a small portion of vinaigrette with potatoes, but without oil | |
Tuesday | 2 eggs, grapefruit, favorite tea without additives | 2 eggs, 150 grams of lean boiled meat, a serving of salad greens and cucumbers | |
Wednesday | 2 eggs, a bunch of spinach, plain tea | 2 eggs, oil-free vinaigrette, 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, herbal tea | |
Thursday | 2 eggs, grapefruit, plain coffee | 2 eggs, bunch of spinach, plain coffee | 2 eggs, oil-free vinaigrette, 150 g steamed sea fish |
Friday | 2 eggs, a bunch of spinach, herbal tea | 150 g steamed sea fish, coleslaw without oil, herbal tea | |
Saturday | Fruit salad | 2 eggs, 150 g boiled lean meat, tomato, cucumber and celery salad, herbal tea | |
Resurrection | 2 eggs, tomato, grapefruit | 2 eggs, carrot and cabbage salad, herbal tea |
During the day on the presented diet, you can drink up to 2 liters of plain water - with a large number of eggs, you should increase the amount of liquid. This is necessary for the timely leaching of protein and cholesterol from the body. Lunch portions are slightly larger.
You can effectively lose weight using mono-diets, although they are not recommended by nutritionists. A mono-diet is the use of one product that is consumed for a certain time in unlimited quantities. The presented diet is not considered by nutritionists due to the deficiency of incoming vitamins and trace elements. Moreover, the wrong way out can lead to excessive weight gain.
Effective one-food diets include:
- Dairy diet- tough, not everyone can withstand such nutrition. As such, there is no nutrition itself: within 7 days, losing weight should drink up to 2 liters of milk, preferably natural. Everything. Anything to eat is prohibited. It is allowed to drink water, tea and coffee without sugar.
- Apple- only apples should be consumed daily for a week. Up to a kilogram of fruit is allowed per day. Make a puree out of it, bake it. At least 2 liters of liquid are also drunk per day. You can lose weight up to 7 kg in a week.
- Curd diet- within a week, up to 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese is eaten daily. You can drink coffee for breakfast and tea without sugar for lunch, herbal decoctions and water are allowed. The recommended amount of liquid is up to 2 liters.
- chocolate diet- lovers of sweets can rejoice. For you, too, there is a diet in which you can lose at least 4-5 kg per week. On the day you need to eat 1 bar in 100 g of natural dark chocolate. During the day, they drink water, tea and coffee without sugar for breakfast or lunch. Do not combine chocolate with coffee - this will lead to an increase in blood pressure.
Note! You should turn to mono-diets only if there are no diseases. And it's not just about the gastrointestinal tract. The presence of cardiovascular diseases is a direct trump card to the ban on the choice of the presented type of nutrition.
Weight loss without diets
How to lose weight in a week without dieting? This is possible, but subject to careful compliance with the requirements and rules. In addition, constant compliance with the norms will help you forget about being overweight and losing weight in principle.
Recommendations include:
- refusal of alcohol is extra calories that provoke appetite, which are prohibited not only on a diet;
- eat from a small plate - less food will give a visual signal to the brain to the onset of satiety, which will make it easier to lose weight;
- eat slowly - thorough chewing and the absence of a TV will lead to rapid satiety (the optimal time for signaling to the brain is 20 minutes), the rule is fundamental for any diet;
- take baths - relaxing in the evening will save you from having to eat something, and thereby enjoy it;
- keep a diary - during the day, write down the foods you eat and morning weight, analyze and exclude ingredients and dishes that are harmful to your weight, contributing to easy and quick weight loss. This will eliminate the need to stick to a diet.
It is possible to lose weight by 5 kg in a week, the amount of excess weight only determines what diet you should follow. If excess weight from the norm is no more than 10 kg, then mono-diets will do. Otherwise, you can give preference to much less stringent options.
The task of losing weight is to get out of the diet correctly. Nutritionists talk about continuing what they started, but with the inclusion of proteins (poultry, fish, eggs) in the first week, fats (vegetable oils) in the second, carbohydrates (whole grain bread, side dishes) in the third week. With such a long exit, you can save the result and the time of losing weight will not be wasted.
- "I never paid much attention to my diet, until the nutritionist advised me to revise my menu a little if I don’t want to have health problems. I tried to go on a vegetable diet (she attracted me precisely because of my addiction to vegetables in any form). Just two weeks ago, she weighed more than 80 kg, today - 75 kg. I plan to continue to sit on a protein diet and completely eliminate sugar from the daily menu. The only difficulty for me is to drink so much water, but nothing, for the sake of a good result, you can try and overpower yourself.
- "It’s embarrassing to admit, but I never trusted diets, and to be honest, I didn’t try to sit on any - there was not enough willpower. Only recently I realized that I needed to do something, because even my husband began to look askance - the figure was already blurred, like that of a fifty-year-old. I decided to try to lose some weight. It turns out that everything is not so difficult as I thought, the main thing is to tune in that you can eat some foods, but it’s better not to keep others even in the refrigerator so as not to tempt. I won’t lie - the kilograms left slowly, but the month of the diet turned out to be effective, I lost 6 kg.
- "If you don’t believe that while on a diet you can lose up to 6 kg in just a week, then I assure you that this is quite real. I'll tell you a secret - for this you need to have a weight of at least a centner (I know for myself). Sitting on a diet, she checked herself - she parted with a kilogram a day, but only until the scales began to show 75 kg. After that, the weight loss was not so intense, but a week I managed to part with a few kilograms.