In the acute period of the disease, it is necessary to create absolute rest for the pancreas. Cold is placed on the stomach and one should refrain from eating and drinking. This procedure is followed both in acute pancreatitis and in exacerbation of a chronic process.
Everyone knows how dangerous pancreatitis is. Therefore, in the further complex treatment, dietary nutrition plays a leading role.

The main principles of dietary nutrition for pancreatitis
- it is necessary to increase the amount of protein consumed at the expense of meat, fish dishes, cottage cheese up to 150g;
- limit carbohydrates to 300-350g, especially easily digestible (sugar, honey);
- exclude products that contribute to the increased secretion of pancreatic juice (rich broths from meat and fish, boiled cabbage);
- reduce the amount of fat in the diet to 70-80g;
- cook food only in a mechanically gentle wiped form;
- do not allow a large one-time amount of food intake;
- keep fractional meals every three hours;
- fasting should not exceed two days.
What is prohibited in the diet for pancreatitis?
- rich broths from meat, fish, mushrooms are strictly prohibited;
- fried meat and fish;
- lard and other animal fats;
- sausages and canned meat;
- raw, uncleaned vegetables containing fiber;
- baking dough;
- Rye bread;
- kefir;
- alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

What is allowed in the diet for pancreatitis?
- yesterday's white bread or dried;
- vegetable soups (except cabbage), cereals, with no more than noodles? plates;
- meat dishes from lean meat and poultry, steamed or boiled from raw materials twisted in a meat grinder (cutlets, meatballs, roll, mashed potatoes, soufflé), the same from fish;
- eggs are allowed in the form of a protein omelet;
- fresh milk, cottage cheese is not sour in its natural form or steamed pudding;
- add butter or olive oil to dishes;
- boiled and mashed vegetables (mashed potatoes);
- noodles and noodles;
- semi-liquid porridge on water with the addition of milk;
- from fruits - baked or stewed apples;
- sweet dishes - jelly, jelly with sweetener;
- from drinks weak tea, rosehip broth.
Approximate one-day menu
Consumption for the whole day: white stale bread - 200g, sugar - 30g.
- The first breakfast is steam meat cutlets (can be replaced with a steam-free protein-free omelet of two eggs or cottage cheese pudding), oatmeal porridge with milk (half a portion), a glass of tea with milk.
- Second breakfast - boiled or baked meat, unleavened cottage cheese, a glass of tea with milk.
- Lunch: Vegetarian potato soup (half serving), steamed meatballs, carrot puree, xylitol apple jelly.
- Dinner: meatloaf or steamed meatballs, can be replaced with a piece of boiled chicken, steamed pudding made from low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of tea with milk.
- Before bed: fruit jelly with xylitol.
The weight of each dish is 130-150g. Milk tea can be replaced with rosehip decoction.
With a significant improvement in the condition and the permission of the doctor, the diet expands due to non-grated vegetables and meat in a piece.
Patients with chronic pancreatitis are required to follow a diet for life.